Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wow...time flies...N, O, P and Q

It's been crazy at work, staying late getting ready for auction and then home to walk the dog (the only breather right now), then homework.  My mother has been wonderful ...she's been making dinner for me the last couple of nights.  So needless to say I have not been posting here...I have a team project for one of my online classes which is a little difficult to keep up with.  So I've missed a few days of this.  Auction starts Saturday so I'll be working until after midnight 9 nights in a row, then some time off!  If I don't get to post during that time, I will after auction is over.

Yesterday a friend picked up some of my herbal pillows and prints to take to the New Day Daycare Auction that's happening on Saturday- I wish them all of the best and hope they raise Piles of money!  Also, I'll be working on my clothed figure assignment and doing some practice paintings of fabric, so look for those too.  I'll be here Off and keep an eye out.  This blog is quintessential after all...  :)


  1. April got crazy busy for me too! Just keep writing and posting as you can! :)

  2. I have enjoyed your blog and I nominate you for a Liebster Award. Please visit the award post on my blog and read all about it. Instructions are there if you would like to participate. Congratulates on a successful A to Z Challenge! Mary at Mary A to Z

  3. Thank Mary...I kind of bombed at the end. We had a 9 night televised auction at work, most nights I didn't get home until 1am...then up early the next day to crank out homework.
