Thursday, April 4, 2013

"D" is for Demo & Doodling...and Damn this is hard

So this assignment for my watercolor class is in steps and we're supposed to take the painting about halfway...and then post our assignment. The completed painting is due next I thought this might be a nice demo, even though I don't know what I'm doing. So the first step was to transfer the drawing onto a piece of watercolor paper. I use Saral transfer paper, you just have to be careful it doesn't get too dark or smear. Then I had to decide if I was going to paint the sky around my tree...or mask out the leaves and paint the sky first. I opted to mask out the leaves with frisket, which is what you see here. Note to self: do not tip board while frisket is wet...hence the long drippy drip. 

Orange frisket masking out leaves

You can't paint while frisket is wet so while I was waiting for it to dry...I thought I'd sketch out a possible piece for my's a quick sketch...just an idea really.  I want to add more and will later.  


  1. I'm loving these little lessons, I'm been wanted to get back into art, I loved it at school and haven't done much for years. That's my May challenge sorted, after A to Z, thanks.

  2. Quite lovely thank you! The orange frisket look like continents in a way - I guess we all make our projections.

  3. Thanks for the comments...the frisket is a challenge, I don't much like it because it never seems to go where you want. We'll see what happens tonight when I paint the sky and remove the frisket!

  4. Yeah, another doodler! That's quite a sketch...mighty close to being a drawing. I'm curious what art school?

    I stopped by from the A to Z challenge: or Twitter: @onesquigglyline

  5. Hi Melinda, I take classes through the Academy of Art University online. They are private school and have been around for 80 + years...for their on-campus spring show they usually have big names recruiting. Everything from Pixar to video game companies, American Greetings, etc. The classes are very demanding and it is difficult to earn an "A"...but I've learned tons. It's a great school, but I'm trying to get a jump on my art career now so I'll be able to pay off my loans once I'm done :)
