Monday, April 8, 2013

"H" is for honesty

I've been going at warp speed all day today and it's been an interesting, awful kind of day for the people around me.  I hate to see people being treated unjustly and there seems to be a lot of it going around lately.  I chose honesty for today's "theme" because I've decided at this point in my life that being honest, blunt, to the point is the way to go.  This way, you eliminate any games or confusion ...throw everything right out on the table at the get sincere and speak from the heart.

Dishonest people conceal their faults from themselves as well as others, honest people know and confess them.
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Christian Nevell Bovee (1820-1904) 

The Honesty Fairy by Margaret Tarrant

1 comment:

  1. Oh well said, I know exactly how you feel, nice post. Happy A to Z.
